
Caledonia Music Centre Relocation

We have relocated Caledonia Music Centre from our main floor location at 14 Caithness St E to the lower level at the same address.

The lower level location, was formerly a Ultrasound and X-ray clinic, had been gutted approximately 10 years ago and was is a state of disrepair, having since been used strictly for storage.

With the help of my wife, our staff and customers / friends of the business we have undertaken the move to and slow transformation of the new space.

We are now operating in the new space while renovations continue to proceed over the coming months.

And for their tremendous support, efforts and faith, My Wife, Sandy Scott and amazing teaching team, Dan Letwin & Jordin Willms


Music Lessons

Music Lessons:

Caledonia Music Centre (CMC) offers music lessons Monday thru Thursday. Lessons are typically scheduled between 3 PM and 8 PM.
Check our website or Facebook Page for current hours.

Lessons are ½ hr, one on one, in a private lesson room. Typically students will attend 1-½ hr lesson per week. Advanced students may elect to take additional lessons. On-line lessons are optional and may be used if the student is unable to attend in person.

CMC offers (but is not limited to) lessons for Piano, Voice, Guitar, Bass, Violin, Ukulele and Harmonica.

Note: we do have a number of students that are enrolled for more than one instrument.

Cost of Lessons:

The cost of music lessons are $25-$30 for all instruments.

  • Lessons are $25 per lesson when paid for
    • by Pre-authorized debit,your payment comes out of your bank account on the first business day of the month, at $25 per lesson scheduled for the upcoming month.
      (See Additional Terms and Conditions for more details).
    • Or when purchased in a 10 lesson package. The 10 lesson package is offered at a cost of $250 and is payable in advance of the scheduled lessons. Lessons must be used with-in a
      10-12 week window (no extensions). There are no refunds on the 10 lesson package.
  • Monthly, Lesson plans are $27.50 per lesson when paid for by cash, debit or credit and are to be pre-paid for each upcoming month. These regularly scheduled weekly Lessons are prepaid a month at a time and must be contiguous. Students risk losing their spot if attendance is not maintained and or payments are not up to date.
  • Trial and Pay As You Go lessons are $30 per lesson.
  • Customers must commit to a payment plan to hold a regularly scheduled spot with their teacher.

Missed Lessons / Schedule Changes:

On occasion a student or a teacher may be unavailable for a scheduled lesson.

Should a student be aware that they will not be available for a future lesson, and providing that the student / parent has provided sufficient advanced notice to CMC counter staff, CMC will offer the client a make-up lesson to be scheduled within 14 days of the missed scheduled lesson. Student Away Forms are available at the counter to document any days off required by the student.

Should a student on short notice be unavailable for a lesson (ie: illness, no ride, etc.), and providing that the student / parent has provided notice prior to the scheduled lesson, CMC will offer to do the lesson On-line or work with the client to provide a make-up lesson. The request for make-up lesson must be raised at the time of the call to cancel.

Should the student miss without providing notice, the lesson is forfeited and CMC will not provide a make-up lesson.

Should a teacher be unavailable for a scheduled lesson, CMC reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher or schedule a make-up lesson at a mutually agreed time within 14 days of the scheduled lesson.

If you have any further questions, please free to contact us.

Additional terms and conditions:

Customers who are signed up for a regularly scheduled weekly lesson are pre-paying to reserve their teachers time. The teacher will be onsite and ready to teach. Clients will be charged for Lessons missed without prior notice.

Should a student not pre-pay and miss lessons, they risk losing their regularly scheduled spot.

Should a student request to take off an extended amount of time, and wishes to return for lessons at a later date, CMC cannot guarantee the availability of the same scheduled time and or teacher.

Special consideration is provided for the scheduling of lessons over the summer months. A half-time lesson schedule can be put in place for students that will require some time off over the summer holidays.

30 days notice is required to discontinue Music lessons. This notice must be given and recorded by Counter Staff. No Refunds will be given on pre-paid lessons. This includes all payment scenarios (Pre Authorized Payments, 10 Lesson Package, Monthly or Pay As You Go lesson plans and any promotional lesson plans offered). If less notice is given, the student may forfeit any lessons already paid for.

These terms and conditions are in place to help manage the scheduling of the lessons, our business, our teachers and our students. Any unique and or unusual scheduling issues will be handled on a one of basis between the client/student and the counter staff.


Our location!

Caledonia Music Centre’s location!

14 Caithness St. E., Unit C, Lower Level

3pm – 8pm Monday – Thursday


Entrance on East side of building

Parking available behind Libro Bank.


Our Lawn Sign